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Komercijalni gasni roštilj Grill s frizerom Grill s frizerom

Komercijalni gasni roštilj Grill s frizerom Grill s frizerom

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opis proizvoda
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer factory
Visokokvalitetni gasni peći i peći
1.Tijelo od nehrđajućeg čelika, čvrsto i izdržljivo
2.Opremljen je termostatom za brz djelovanje za precizno upravljanje temperaturom.
3.Nep stick željezne ploče za brzo zagrijavanje.
4.Lako se koristi i čisti
5.DvostrukoFunkcija upotrebe, prženik i žarnica zadovoljavaju različite potrebe kuhanja
6.Sa rupom za prikupljanje ulja u kutiju za reciklažu ulja radi očuvanja energije.
Naziv proizvoda:
Gasionicu i prženicu
razina temperature:
48 kg
Vrsta plina:
- Ne, ne, ne, ne.
9 kW/hr
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details
O nama
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer supplier
slika proizvodne linije tvornice
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer factory
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer factory
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer manufacture
različiti modeli proizvoda
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details
pakiranje i isporuka
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer manufacture
slika paketa .
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer supplier
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Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer factory
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Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer factory
Naši proizvodi zadovoljavaju sve međunarodne standarde kvalitete!
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Naši kupci dolaze iz više od 80 zemalja svijeta, a naša suradnja je vrlo ugodna!
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer supplier
Zadovoljstvo kupaca ono je čemu težimo!
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer supplier
Commercial Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer details

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