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TARZAN Komerčný plynový litý železný gril s friterom Grill s friterom Nerezová oceľ plochý doska plynový gril Grill s friterom

TARZAN Komerčný plynový litý železný gril s friterom Grill s friterom Nerezová oceľ plochý doska plynový gril Grill s friterom

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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
Vysokovýkonný stroj na grilovanie potravín s horúcou platňou
1.Dostupné elektrické a plynové modely.
2.Obrúsený termostatom s okamžitým účinkom na presné regulovanie teploty.
3. Nepriľnavé železné platne pre rýchly ohrev.
4. Hrúbka dosiek: 10 mm, hrúbka bordovania: 1 mm.
5. So svetelným indikátorom pre ľahké sledovanie pracovného stavu.
6. S otvorom na zhromažďovanie oleja do nádoby na recykláciu oleja pre úsporu energie.
7. Sklenené vlákno vo vnútri sa zahrieva.
názov výrobku:
Plynová mriežka
teplotný rozsah:
43 kg
Typ plynu
tlak plynu
2800-3000 PA
Pena+kartón+drevený rám
teplotný rozsah:
50 až 300 stupňov
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
rôzny model produktu
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
balenie a doručenie
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
obrázok balenia.
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Naše výrobky spĺňajú všetky medzinárodné štandardy kvality!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Naši zákazníci pochádzajú z viac ako 80 krajín po celom svete a naša spolupráca je veľmi príjemná!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer factory
Zákaznícka spokojnosť je to, čo sme sledovali!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture

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