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TARZAN Komercialni plinasti likalni železni žar s pečilnikom Žar s pečilnikom Ploščata plošča iz nerjavečega jekla

TARZAN Komercialni plinasti likalni železni žar s pečilnikom Žar s pečilnikom Ploščata plošča iz nerjavečega jekla

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opis izdelkov
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
Visokokakovostni stroj za izdelavo hrane na žaru
1.Na voljo so električni in plinski modeli.
2.Opremljen je s termostatom s hitrim delovanjem za natančno uravnavanje temperature.
3.Nelepljive železne plošče za hitro segrevanje.
4.Debelina plošč: 10 mm, debelina vrtanja: 1 mm.
5.Z svetlobnim kazalnikom za enostavno opazovanje delovnega stanja.
6.Z luknjo za zbiranje olja v škatlo za recikliranje olja za varčevanje z energijo.
7.V notranjosti se ogrevajo steklena vlakna.
ime izdelka:
plinski žar
temperaturni razpon:
43 kg
vrsta plina
tlak plina
Pjena+karton+leseni okvir
temperaturni razpon:
50 do 300 stopinj
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
slika proizvodne linije tovarne
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
izdelek različnih modelov
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
pakiranje in dostava
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
slika paketa.
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
profil podjetja
priporočite vroč izdelek
priljubljene izdelke
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
priporočamo še druge izdelke
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Naši izdelki izpolnjujejo vse mednarodne standarde kakovosti!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Naši kupci prihajajo iz več kot 80 držav po svetu, naše sodelovanje pa je zelo prijetno!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer factory
Zadovoljstvo strank je tisto, kar smo vedno zasledovali!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture

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