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Tarzan Gaz Komercial Gërryer hekuri të hedhur me Fryer Griddle Me Fryer Acil inox Plat Grill gaz Plate Grill Me Fryer

Tarzan Gaz Komercial Gërryer hekuri të hedhur me Fryer Griddle Me Fryer Acil inox Plat Grill gaz Plate Grill Me Fryer

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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
Makinë për prodhimin e ushqimit të pjekur në skarë me performancë të lartë
1.Modelet elektrike dhe gazi të disponueshme.
2.E pajisur me termostat me aksion të shpejtë për kontroll të saktë të temperaturës.
3.Pllaka hekuri jo ngjitëse për ngrohje të shpejtë.
4.Trashësia e pllakave:10mm,trashësia e bordimit:1mm.
5.Me tregues drite per vrojtim te lehte te gjendjes se punes.
6. Me një vrimë për të mbledhur vaj në kutinë e riciklimit të vajit për ruajtjen e energjisë.
7. Fibra xhami brenda mbajë ngrohjen.
Emri i produktit:
Grilë me gaz
Gama e temperaturës:
750*570*560 mm
43 kg
lloji i gazit
Presioni i gazit
2800-3000 PA
Shkumë+Karton+Kornizë druri
Gama e temperaturës:
50 deri në 300 gradë
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
imazhi i linjës së prodhimit të fabrikës
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
produkt me modele të ndryshme
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
imazhi i paketës.
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
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TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
rekomandoni më shumë produkte të tjera
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Produktet tona plotësojnë të gjitha standardet e cilësisë së tregut ndërkombëtar!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Klientët tanë vijnë nga më shumë se 80 vende të botës dhe bashkëpunimi ynë është shumë i këndshëm!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer factory
Kënaqësia e klientit është ajo që ne kemi ndjekur!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture

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