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TARZAN Tijorat gazli quyma temir grill frayzer bilan grill frayzer bilan zanglamaydigan po'latni yoritish uchun yopiq plastinka gaz grill frayzer bilan grill

TARZAN Tijorat gazli quyma temir grill frayzer bilan grill frayzer bilan zanglamaydigan po'latni yoritish uchun yopiq plastinka gaz grill frayzer bilan grill

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mahsulotlarning tavsifi
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
Yuqori Ishlash Qobiliyatiga Ega Issiq Plita Qovurish Oziq-ovqat Tayyorlash Mashinasi
1.Elektrik va gazli modellar mavjud.
2.Tamami bilan haroratni boshqarish uchun tez harakatlanadigan termostat bilan jihozlangan.
3.Tezyoqish uchun yopishmaydigan temir plitalar.
4.Plitalarning qalinligi:10mm, taxta qalinligi:1mm.
5.Ish sharoitini oson kuzatish uchun yoritish ko'rsatkichi bilan.
6.Energiya tejash uchun moyni moyni qayta ishlash qutisiga yig'ish uchun teshik bilan.
7.Ichki shisha tolasi isitishni saqlaydi.
mahsulot nomi:
gazli grill
harorat oralig'i:
43 kg
gaz turi
Suyuq gaz
gaz bosimi
Qoplama+Qutich+Daraxt Ramka
harorat oralig'i:
50 dan 300 darajagacha
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
Biz haqimizda
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Fabrika ishlab chiqarish liniyasi rasmi
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
turli model mahsulot
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
qadoqlash va yetkazib berish
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
paket rasmi.
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer details
kompaniya profilini
issiq mahsulot tavsiya
mashhur mahsulotlar
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
boshqa mahsulotlarni tavsiya eting
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Mahsulotlarimiz xalqaro bozorning barcha sifat standartlariga javob beradi!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
Mijozlarimiz dunyoning 80 dan ortiq mamlakatlaridan keladi va hamkorligimiz juda yoqimli!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer factory
Mijozlarning qoniqishi - bu bizning izlanishimiz!
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer supplier
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture
TARZAN Commercial Gas Cast Iron Griddle With Fryer Griddle With Fryer Stainless Steel Flat Plate Gas Grill Griddle With Fryer manufacture

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